Our Phoenix Farm Market has been around since the 70s. We built the building in 1970 and added on in 1972. My dad and mom grew up on farms here in Southwest Michigan and not only do they continue the family tradition to farm, they've passed it along to us, their daughters.
We spend our spring, summer and fall 'playing' in the dirt - everything from planting to weeding to picking! We start some plants, such as tomatoes, peppers, okra, in the greenhouse from seed, then we transplant them once the plant has developed. Of course there's a little sampling as we go - nothing beats a freshly picked red raspberry, just ask our little ones! Our kids love to help pick the raspberries, of course there's none left to sell from what they have picked!!
A lot of our vegetables and some fruits come from our farm. We plant a long list of homegrown goodies including but not limited to: asparagus, rhubarb, radishes, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, okra, raspberries, potatoes, onions, zucchini, yellow squash, eggplant, acorn squash, butternut squash, buttercup squash, spaghetti squash, green beans and many more fresh goodies to temp your taste buds!!! Other homegrown goodies come from Uncles, Aunts, cousins and neighbors - Southwest Michigan is bursting with freshness - stop by and find out for yourself!
We'd love to show you our farm fresh goodies and we'd love to chat with you about great recipe ideas! Stop by and see us at 71001 County Road 388, South Haven, Michigan. We are located off I-196 Exit 20 East 1 mile.
Thank you for a great year and wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. We all need to be grateful for the bounty of food we have received this past year whether from our own fields or friends or just from the grocery stores. Keep up the great work on trying your hand at gardening or farming with animals. Whether it worked or failed you learned something for the next time. Have a great end to 2024 and see you in the spring of 2025.
Phoenix Road, I-196, Exit 20 East 1 mile to 71001 Phoenix Road South Haven, MI 49090